Matt Maus is an Online Missionary, Fitness Coach, and Music Minister who is sharing the journey of Faith, Fitness, and loving life!

God lead me to two missions in life:
The first mission is Music Ministry in the Catholic Tradition. I began singing for the Church at age 15, and now nearly 20 years later I have become familiar with the Scriptures and music associated with the Catholic Lifestyle. I'll share my thoughts, reflections, and various topics surrounding this ministry in hopes of building an online community where we can feel a life of love, happiness, and empowerment.
The second mission is health. I started a struggling journey with weight loss in 2010 and succeeded in reaching my goal three months later. It was an amazing and crazy experience. The pilgrimage continues all these years later, and I hope to share what has helped me stay so fit and improve my health over the years. I also hope to help people in this way of life as a mentor, friend, cheerleader, and coach.
Thank you for spending some time here.
-Matt Maus